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Root Chakra Muladhara

Root Chakra Muladhara

March 09, 2024 0 Comments

The root chakra, known as "Muladhara" in Sanskrit, sits at the base of your spine. Think of it as your foundation. Picture it as the base of a tree, where it gets all its nutrients and stability. This chakra is all about feeling grounded, secure, and present in your life. The "I am here, I am safe" vibe keeps you feeling connected to the physical world around you. The root chakra is your energetic foundation, giving you a sense of safety and belonging in the world. When balanced, you can stan...

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Hamsa Blessings

Hamsa Blessings

September 06, 2023 0 Comments

The Hamsa, my dear friends, is a symbol of great significance. Imagine an open hand with an eye at its center, surrounded by intricate patterns and vibrant colors. This ancient symbol transcends cultures and religions, uniting people with its universal message. The Hamsa is a powerful symbol of protection, believed to ward off negative energies like the evil eye and bring good fortune. It reminds us that we are not alone on our journey through life; the universe is there to guide and safeguar...

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24 Ways To Feed Your Soul

24 Ways To Feed Your Soul

November 08, 2015 0 Comments

We have to let go of the notion that self-care, or self-love is selfish. It's not. It's more of a necessity. If we don't love ourselves first, we can't love anyone else, truly. All other aspects of our lives are effected when we are run-down or filled with negativity. Our outlook and attitude are vital to our very existence. Think of it that way and you will understand and WANT to take care of yourself.

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